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U16Vipers-Elite Team Building 2 - Boxing / Punches MG Fitness

Tuesday, September 4, 2012, 4:03PM

The Greater Boston Vipers U16 team recently participated in a very up-tempo intense boxing / plyometric cardio training class at MG Fitness in Medford.

With the leadership and guidance of former Marine & Certified Personal Trainer Brandon Montella the team concentrated on learning the basic fundamentals of balance, agility, punching in a 2 hour non-stop training session.

 This class enabled each team member to recognize the importance of core muscle training, balance, individual stamina while being challenged constantly to remain focused and not take a minute for granted when competing at a very high level.


“Coach, this class was unbelievable… We never worked so hard… Can we do this every week ? ”….        Ryan Lovell & Andrew Somerville


U16Vipers-Elite Team Building 1- SWAT Boot Camp

Thursday, August 9, 2012, 8:54PM

CONTRATULATIONS to the Greater Boston Vipers U16 Elite team as they recently participated in a very challenging but rewarding one day military training boot camp.


In total (17) players endured some intense training during a two hour work-out hosted by (Jeff Vincuilla) of the Bedford Police/Fire Department.

Each and every individuals work-ethic, team commitment and character was tested throughout this experience and many players recognized the true definition of TEAMWORK!


“The Sterner The Discipline… The Greater The Devotion….” Pete Carroll


Stay tuned as our next journey will be Boxing/Punches at Mike Gym in Medford on August 10th!